Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Manchester United win Premier League this season!!

Park Wins EPL Images
Rice Manchester United Barclays Premier League 2010/2011 driver won the championship!
Manchester United Blackburn Rovers last weekend's 1-1 draw with the 37 rounds and won on the road. Gave the opening goal for Manchester United during the first half, but the latter have teeth Rosarito success obtained by the PK and Wayne Rooney, a point earned the dramatic points, to win the final built magnetism.

In this game 'Oxygen Tank' Park is not active, but it jumped to the ground after the game with his teammates had to share the joy of victory.

Manchester United win the Premier League this season, his career had achieved the feat 19 meeting. The most successful team in the history of England is a tall ship!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Make a dakdoritan~

Stuff: potato, carrot, hot sauce, garlic, onion, chicken,

1. Firstly, boil the water

2. Pare vegetables and chop the vegetables.

3. After cut a chicken, take away the blood (keep on fresh)

4. When the water's boiling, put the chicken.

5. Make a spice with hot sauce and garlic.
(TIP: If you cannot eat spice thing. put a sprite. because it gets rid a bitter taste and a spice taste.)

6. While the water's boiling, put the vegetables. .

7. And then put the spice.

8. After finish the cook, enjoy your meal ^^

The reason why i chose this topic is because I like it!! I usually eat~
I will eat tomorrow~~

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm so lucky

Three days ago, I went to Sunjin Hotel to use internet. After I finished computer, I came back to the bookcafe. 10minutes later, I realized that I had lost my cell phone. So I went back to the Sunjin Hotel. But the phone was already disapeared from the place. I was upset. Suddenly someone who could speak English came to me. So I explained my problem. And then he said 'ok. I will help you' then he talked with a guard and said 'I found your phone, guard has your phone, but he wants you to give some money to him. So I paid 10thousand and I got my phone.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

About my futher...

While we live our life, we often get a question about dream or future plan. I am too. When I was from high school to now, I got a lot of question about dream.
First of all, I want to be teacher. When I was young, I really enjoyed learning English. I hated other subjects. I got lower scores. However, I didn’t give up on English because it was my only pleasure and hope. I wanted to learn more about wider knowledge, a profession. Also I want to become like MIU professors who gave up on their lives and chose to come to Mongolia. One day will do the same thing by going around the world, helping those who are poor and unfortunate. This university will help me to learn about a lot of thing and it will help to reach my goal.

I love dormitory^^

Living in dormitory is better than living outside (for foreigners). Most of the foreigners who are living in dormitory are Chinese Russians Koreans and Afghans and I’m one of those people who currently are living in dormitory. I think there are a lot of advantages of living in dormitory. There’re 3 things. First, you can make friends by speaking English. Second of all, it’s safe to living in dormitory. Lastly, it gives us chance to learn how to live in a community with others.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My first time travel

It is my firsrt time travel in mongolia
I spent very enjoy time and i didn't forget the memory.
I want experience to go the World travel.
Where is second mydestination in travel?

     If i go to somewhere, I will take a picture and spend enjoy time. 

London - a mixture of traditional and contemporary heart of the UK

London (London) Britain's political, economic, cultural and transportation center as well as an, the British Commonwealth also let the de facto center. The world's finance and tourism, education, shopping center known as the place there each year, many tourists are looking for. 1,577.3 area and population, 5400 and 7,350,000 people.
South East England Thames (Thames) about 60km upstream from the mouth of the river in London, the oldest cities in Europe, is one of the European Union (EU) in the cities is also among the largest cities.

London has a long history in the historical tradition of the city kept intact and Tower Bridge Greenwich kyugadeun (Kew Garden of Royal), Palace of Westminster and the World Heritage Heritage is also able to meet from all over the city.